Information Security Management System (ISMS) Policy
IZMO Limited.
Locations: India, France, and the United Kingdom IZMO Limited involved in the Development of Software Solutions for Digital Retail Platforms, Automotive Imagery and Animation, Online Marketing, and CRM Solutions is Committed to the:
1. Preservation of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of information
Ensuring information is accessible only to authorized personnel (Confidentiality).
Maintaining the accuracy and completeness of information (Integrity).
Ensuring authorized users have access to information when needed (Availability).
2. Cyber Security
Implementing and maintaining robust cyber security measures to prevent, detect, and respond to threats, vulnerabilities, and incidents effectively.
Leveraging advanced security technologies and frameworks to protect against evolving cyber threats.
3. Privacy Protection
Safeguarding personal and sensitive data as per applicable data protection regulations, including the GDPR (Europe) and applicable privacy laws in India and the UK.
Implementing privacy-by-design principles in all systems and processes.
4. Compliance
Adhering to applicable statutory, regulatory, and contractual obligations in all jurisdictions of operation, including:
India: Information Technology Act, 2000, and Data Protection Guidelines.
France: GDPR and CNIL guidelines.
UK: UK Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR.
5. Establishing Measurable Objectives
Defining and regularly reviewing information security objectives aligned with business goals.
Measuring performance through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and regular audits.
6. Continual Improvement
Continuously improving the ISMS through regular monitoring, audits, feedback, and management reviews.
Learning from incidents and integrating lessons into future risk mitigation plans.
7. Awareness and Training
Conducting regular training to ensure all employees understand their responsibilities related to information security, cyber security, and privacy protection.